5 strategies that deliver maximum value for your customers


Imagine if you could add more value to your clients business than any other company. If you can do this you will become an essential extension of your client’s business. Here are five ways to add more value.

1. Respond quickly to requests

Requests come in many forms; they can be emails, phone calls, fax’s, and letters. They can be communications from current clients, potential clients or partners of clients. Treat every contact with respect and respond quickly.

2. Meet Delivery Expectations

Clients have deadlines to, treat their deadlines as your own. If you fail to deliver on time your clients will find another company who can.

3. Ensure you and your people are fun to work with

Your clients should look forward to calling your business! They should really be thrilled to be working with your people. If your receptionist or employees with client contact bore you, then you’re in trouble. Find confident, happy people to work with and your clients will keep coming back for more.

4. Find a way to solve your client’s problems

Your clients come to you to solve problems that they can’t or don’t have the time to solve. If you don’t know how to solve their problems, then find the way, get someone else to do it or let them go.

5. Exceed their Expectations

It is the extra ordinary things you do that will make the difference for your business. Many businesses are stripped to the bare operating necessities where resources barely meet client demand. You must allow premium value adding time and resources, in order to add more value than your competitors.

By Hayden Breese
