Rigidity is the inability to be changed or adapted. We are all a little bit rigid. We love our routines and most of us thrive in highly predictable routine based environments. Routine creates structure. When we operate within an existing structure, we don’t have to work as hard at choosing what to do. Structured life has more certainty and less uncertainty. Get up, get the kids ready for School...
Consistent high performers nurture their number one asset
Are you the ultimate performing machine? Do you work hard, aim high, drive hard? If you want to be a high performer in business, not just in the short term but day after day you need the ultimate support team. Where many of us fail in maintaining a level of high performance on an ongoing basis is in the setup of supporting and restoring mechanisms. Think about it. High performance race cars have...
Distracted, preoccupied, and removed from ourselves
Distracted, preoccupied, and removed from ourselves. Our whole lives are dedicated to finding ourselves. Each one of us born with a single destiny. It seemed so easy as a child, we were shown a world of possibilities and we were told anything was possible. Its not that we stop wanting, or stop dreaming. Its what happens to people when the roar of the positive voices slow. What happens to us when...
Exercise Conditioning, how to get fit, the quick and easy way!
Its easy to run before you walk when it comes to exercise, at least in your head it is. Good intentions often cloud good judgement and we tend to underestimate the power of our routines. A thought has very little effect until it is turned into an action. I decided that I am going to get fit again and think that going for a run would be a great option. The problem so far is that all I have done...
Freedom of movement is freedom of mind
New tracking technology has enabled an array of geographically based web applications to spring into the consumers internet space. If we so desire we can track the locality of our significant others on the off chance of a catch-up meeting. We can walk down a street and our mobile device can tell us what products are available in our immediate vicinity. The tourism industry are reveling, with new...
Securing your LifeStyle
It takes a massive commitment to design, live and secure your fulfilling lifestyle on an ongoing basis. The activity of life roars past our consciousness. As we get older our passions and commitments grow with us. If not kept in check many of the items that make up our day to day life can consume more of our time than we ever intended. We need a way to make space for everything that we value. A...
The time poor are the new poor.
Full of self importance, no normal day to day activity is normal when you are time poor… Standing at the check-out, leg fidgeting, already several steps ahead of your body. An accelerated heart beat, you watch meticulously the movements and interactions of the teller and shopper in front of you. If only you had been slightly faster, if only you could do what you do just that little bit...
Automate Me
Autopilots check your seat belts, buckle yourself in its time to fly. Do you live life fast, do you finish other peoples sentences? Do hours blur into days into weeks. Is your life on auto pilot? Its easy to switch into auto, when a great deal of activities and experiences throughout a day also occurred the day before and the day before that. Its like your very own ground hog day over and over...
Health is Power said the Chicken to the Egg
What came first, the chicken or the egg? It seems this puzzle applies to most things. None more so than health and fitness. When you are eating like crap, feeling like crap and thinking crap you are getting a lot of crap. In fact, your food is like the chicken and your thoughts like the egg or whatever order you feel the chicken and egg should be. We feed a continuous health cycle with positive...
Are we over taxing ourselves.. Is your personal life setup to produce a profit?
Is your personal and working lifestyle sustainable or are your using a resources faster than you can produce them? Do you often feel tired and burnt out? Many of us are doing too much and expecting too much and too soon. Setup and live your life in profit Sometimes it seems we cannot break even. By the time we work, look after our families, exercise, pursue hobbies and time with friends...