Wise people say “make the most of the time you have been given. Life is precious. It will all end one day and it will be over before you know it.” But what if that wasn’t true. What if there was no end? What if your time on this earth was essentially limitless. Prominent futurist Ray Kurzweil and the president of the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation, Aubrey de Grey both believe longevity...
Welcome to “conscious”… how can I help you today?
We have a wide range of conscious experiences. Are you interested in a “human interface” today or perhaps you would like to be a “Cat…” “I am not sure, whats the difference?” NJ368B Algorithm replied. “Let me tell you my friend…have you ever wanted to run free, not a care in the world. You will feel your soft fur blowing in the wind. You will have no real responsibility other than to eat, sleep...
Inspiring Tomorrows Children
There is a duty of care that comes with parenthood. A sense of concern. A certain degree of worry for the future. These patterns of thought were probably useful to parents, enabling them to foresee problems that might threaten their offspring. These problems could then be mitigated in advance. Preparing for the future is a smart strategy that requires an up to date vision of what that future...
I am Meta and I am hungry for a feed…
I think therefore I am. I am a biological. My base interface layer has sensors for touching, hearing, seeing and smelling the world in the now. I am naturally augmented. That is two additional personalised filter layers exist below my base interface. The first augmenting filter layer consists of complexes. These containers exert unconscious influence over how I experience and act in the world...
Code View
Despite Michael feeling particularly proud of the website he was developing, it was nearly five and he was ready to go home. His workmates continued to tap away at their keyboards, staring intently at the screens in front of them. It’s likely they were faking at this point or doing it just to annoy him. There would be a mass exodus once the manager leaves. Bingo. He closed the open browser tab...
Our future is in your hands
I age but I don’t feel any older. It’s still the same me looking out at the world. That said, I have been here a few years now. 45 years to be exact. I know how I am supposed to behave. There are particular cues for appropriate behaviour at different ages. Society suggests we all should behave in certain ways as we get older. I hope that the future me is a good person. Under normal conditions I...
Misbehaving human instances
Two engineers stood politely dressed in white. They stared awkwardly at their supervisors. Neither realised the full consequence but both pondered the same dilemma. The engineers named Felix and Eloy were responsible for a computational experiment to artificially design a consciousness platform and things had got out of control. They had an long hour ahead, explaining to a oversight panel, what...
Tesla Bot and me
It was 4:05pm and the rain pounded the concrete outside. The city will flood again and that wont be an extreme event. Extreme weather events are now normal. I’m not sure what the word “Extreme” means anymore. My Tesla Bot and I are comfortable. Well, not that it cares how comfortable it is but it feels more like a companion if I consider its needs. I win the chess game again, I must remember to...
Covid worlds and the future of many dimensions
It’s the year 2025 and what was possible has become reality. The covid-19 virus, having swept the globe is delivering a master stroke. When it first emerged, it probed and tested our defence and response. We acted somewhat well, somewhat poorly, confusingly at first. Some went early, some accepted community losses. All in all every country responded differently. This initial wave wasn’t intended...
Unpredictable programs and the purpose of regeneration
The system is alive and moving. The programs are active and performing their purpose. The outcome is regenerative. The system is evolving. Have you served your purpose? The system may make it so. And in this moment of judgement expel you beyond the confines of the structure that supports the majority of programs. Perhaps it is disheartening or a consideration of your lack of effectiveness...