Covid worlds and the future of many dimensions


It’s the year 2025 and what was possible has become reality. The covid-19 virus, having swept the globe is delivering a master stroke.

When it first emerged, it probed and tested our defence and response. We acted somewhat well, somewhat poorly, confusingly at first. Some went early, some accepted community losses. All in all every country responded differently.

This initial wave wasn’t intended to wipe us out, it was an initial probe. Like any strategically intelligent force, this initial action was a test of our defences, our behaviour, our strengths and our weaknesses.

Many people thought it would be over in the initial phase. The promise of vaccination and herd immunity appeared valid. Politicians and scientists worked hard to maintain the virus and immunise the public.

The “Variant” phase began quietly. The public grew tired of restrictions and the growing immunisation programme built confidence. Most of us were ready to return to life as we knew it before. Our scientists got to work, as expected trying to deal with multiple variants in play at the same time. Ultimately, the virus must complete its product testing and double down on one of the variants.

This latest variant is more infectious and more deadly than before. Tighter border controls and movement of people, goods and services internationally is strictly enforced. Our economy having been stretched by high inflation is now under government control.

The tourism sector is re-purposed, with holiday centres like Queenstown transformed into mass accomodation for New Zealand’s lacking supply of housing….

It’s also 2025 in another version of existence and what was also possible has also become a reality. The covid-19 virus, having swept the globe is close to being eliminated.

When it first emerged, it probed and tested our defence and response. This initial wave wasn’t intended to wipe us out, it was an initial probe. Politicians and scientists worked hard to maintain the virus and immunise the public.

Scientists developed incredible breakthroughs in anti-viral technology. One of the more controversial breakthroughs included colour augmentation of the eyes. We could now see the virus in real time because vaccination technology enabled carriers eyes to change to a bright pink colour. This meant instant identification of the virus in society. Camera’s and facial recognition sent drones that released containment bubbles. The virus had no where to hide.

The “Variant” phase began quietly but our advanced AI assisted modelling had already predicted variants and vaccine sophistication was one step ahead. Most of us began to return to life as we knew it before.

The final variant while more infectious and more deadly than before had no one left to infect due to medical breakthroughs. Movement of people, goods and services internationally resumed. Our economy having been stretched by high inflation began a new age of productivity. The tourism sector rebounded, with holiday centres like Queenstown transformed with excited visitors from all around the world.

The human species emerged from the pandemic wiser and with new inspiration to solve global problems.

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By Hayden Breese
