Forget everything you know about Money! Its not real, it doesnt exist. Us kiwi’s know that more than most as eftpos has certainly reduced the tangibility of a transaction. Money, Money Money, its not real, it doesnt exist. Ok I am repeating myself now, but I really want to make sure that what I am saying to you is sinking in. We dont need money, we cant eat it, we cant live in it, we cant...
Success comes to those that commercialize their natural ability…
I bet you have tried your hand at a few different jobs or business ventures over your life time. I would be willing to place a bet that the closer the activity is aligned with your primary talents the greater the level of personal fulfillment you received and further financial success. We thrive when we breathe life into expressing what we value the most. What do you value? Some of us are blessed...
Worlds within Worlds
I was steering out from the beach at the sea and thinking this is real life, nature at its best. The sheer force of the sea was spectacular and about as far from being influenced by me as possible. That’s when I thought what we cannot control we alienate, I didn’t pay it any further attention, why should I it was too powerful for me. We create worlds within worlds because as a species we have...
Focus on the good…
In this overly negative media environment it is important to be careful who you listen too. Maintaining a positive mindset can be more difficult than it sounds as the chorus of doomsayers reiterate the difficulties in the economic environment, another business closure and further job losses. I wouldn’t suggest cutting yourself off completely from what’s going on in the world. But I...
Create, contribute and get into gear
You can study the art of creating wealth, you can emulate and learn from the worlds great thinkers. At some point you have to get down to the nuts and bolts of it. Understanding how you are geared and seek rewards may hold a few clues to your future. Are you a creator or a contributor? Are you into creation or growth? Creators are really great at coming up with ideas and getting them started. If...
Enrich your Routine
Imagine if we could focus a large proportion of our time and efforts into those activities that once completed have a lasting positive impact on our lives and the lives of others. Consider what you could achieve if you dedicated yourself to the building blocks of adding value. In our personal and business lives we create structure and routines that can serve or burden us. Our esteem and our...
Time Inflation
I have been thinking about this concept I call “Time Inflation.” Has anyone else noticed that it seems to take more and more time to do exactly the same thing. I am sure this is related to how busy our lives have become. If we look at inflation in regards to how we think about money, it relates to the value attributed to an item increasing even though there has been no further value...